Apr 27, 2022
Should You Change Your Gait? Can You?
– The MOVEMENT Movement with Steven Sashen Episode 127 with Richard Diaz
Richard “Coach” Diaz is often referred to as “the guy,” simply because it’s hard to encapsulate his many talents under one title. His experience and unparalleled diversity as a coach / clinician in endurance sport traces back nearly 40 years having conducted performance assessments for literally thousands of athletes from elite professionals to homemakers, is what defines him as the coach he is today. His focus is running mechanics and bioenergetics, which he believes are critical components of success in athletic performance.
His decision to dedicate his life's work to the sport of Obstacle Course Racing quickly drew international recognition. Coach Diaz has traveled extensively all over the United States, putting on his highly acclaimed running clinics, turning mediocre athletes into Elite Competitors. His practice, Diaz Human Performance, is now based in Franklin Tennessee where he operates his “secret lab,” which many professional and recreational athletes regularly visit.
Listen to this episode of The MOVEMENT Movement with Richard Diaz about if you should change your gait.
Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:
- How most people think they know how to run when they might not.
- Why using evidence-based knowledge trumps anecdotal evidence.
- How there are genetics involved that help decide whether you are a fast runner.
- Why you don’t need to have good form to win a spring or a marathon.
- How putting your posture in the right space will yield
astounding performances.
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