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The MOVEMENT Movement

Apr 10, 2019

They hide the fact that they know it's bad for you. They even hide information that other people create about the fact that their product is bad for you, and what's actually good for you. They make a product that is consistently and reliably creating health problems, and yet they just keep making it over and over and over and over. Convincing us that it's actually good for you. Think you know the industry that we're talking about? Well, if you look at the title of this podcast, you might have it. But if not, maybe it'll be a surprise and let's come back to that in just a moment.

Welcome to The MOVEMENT Movement, the podcast for people who want the truth about having a healthy, happy, strong body and enjoying what bodies are made to do, and that is move. In The MOVEMENT Movement, podcast, and in our movement, we are cutting through the mythology, the confusion, the propaganda, and sometimes the outright lies about what it takes to walk, to run, to hike, to jump, to lift, to do everything that bodies love to do. And they will do that enjoyably, do it better, and have more fun.

If you have any questions, send them to us here, or just email: You can visit us online at, and that will point you to all the other places you can engage with us on Facebook, on YouTube, and all the rest. We want you to be part of the conversation. We're happy to have you be part of that, and to spread The MOVEMENT Movement. If you want to join our tribe, please subscribe. See you next